So my least favorite part of the dating life is that I don't know where to meet "that really great guy". I have never, and will never, just go pick up a guy at a bar. I am just not that kind of lady. So with that said, where else do I go? I know some people are thinking duh...the library, sporting event, a museum, in college, through friends, on an airplane/vacation, just by walking around (lol), at the grocery store(I never believed this one) OR online???
Well I have opted for online dating. I figured, what are my better options and people are always online these days. It can't be that weird! Well..... it is! However, after years of feeling that way, I cracked and gave into online dating, several years ago.
On a side note, I have only met 3 men off online dating... and obviously it did not pan out. However, I could have met over 1,000 by now if I wanted to or even if I replied to each email I received. FYI: There really is a "whole sea of Internet love seekers" out there.
Back to my online dating story (I laugh as I type that), I have been online for years and I find that if you have high standards to start with you tend to be picky. Hence, the meeting of only 3 guys. I figure if I read a response from someone and I think it is odd or creepy, I simply move on. If you have horrible grammar then again, I move on. I have decided that I am NOT going to settle NO MATTER WHAT!
So, as it presently stands, there are currently only 2 guys that I am interested in sending the few "get to know you before we meet up emails" and maybe one of them will work out or at least get past date #3. lol.
So in conclusion, dating online is weird. In this order: you find a profile, check out their picture, scan their general info, re-read it if you find the basic information to be of interest and reply if you like what you see & read. After that you either have received their email of interest or you are sending one of your own. Once you send a few emails back and fourth, you wait for the guy to ask you out and then you meet them. Yes, I said you wait for the guy to ask you because one of the main things I have learned during my Internet dating experiences is that the "thrill of the chase" is really important. As a woman, you cannot be too available. If you are, the guy will end his chase and then no longer want you. If you proceed as being nonchalant he will find you very interesting (because you are) and thus be interested in you... so the lesson for the day: the thrill of the chase is important (at least in the beginning). The second lesson of the day is that online dating is WEIRD, and yet I bet some of you already knew that. . .
~ Lucy
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